Greetings from the President
Since its establishment in the year 1920, SATAKE has continued to walk as the top manufacturer of mixers, and as the pioneer of environmental testing equipment and refrigeration and air conditioning performance measuring equipment.
By being “Devoted to the production of products that can be used with satisfaction and confidence by our customers” as planned under ISO9001 in accordance with the basic management policy of “Respecting the creative spirit, making full use of bold action, always being a shining example of the industry” formulated by the founders, we will continue to steadily advance in future too as a company that can be trusted by all, with all employees working in unison in compliance with the laws and regulations.
In 2016, we constructed a new plant and new laboratory at the Tokyo business office in Toda-shi, Saitama, and also moved the registered head office from Moriguchi-shi, Osaka. From the viewpoint of BCP and with two business offices, one in the East and one in the West, we are contributing to both regions as a factory that is compatible with the environment of ISO14001 authentication. Additionally, by using the latest facilities, and improving productivity through the addition of 5S activities and improvement activities, we have been further increasing the satisfaction level of our customers by the stable production of high-quality products.
In the new mixing technology laboratory, by further raising the level of the unique technologies through research developments and technical innovations, we have been promoting open innovation with the research institutes and universities in Japan, and also joint researches and collaborations with customers, and thus contributing to an improvement in the level of the domestic industry, and also boldly challenging new industries, such as the biotechnology business, well into the future.
Outside Japan too, we have been promoting business expansion by establishing joint ventures in Korea, Taiwan, and China at an early stage, but in the recent years, we have been aggressively spreading our business activity bases in the ASEAN countries as well, and have been integrating the capabilities of our overseas affiliated companies to aim at the No. 1 position in Asia. On the 100th anniversary of our establishment in the year 2020, we changed our company name to “SATAKE MultiMix Corporation” in November 2021, in the sense of our second start. We will continue to aim at expanding our activity locations across the globe.

This section presents our basic company information, organizational chart, and the directors, auditors, and executive officers.
This section presents our basic management policy where the customer is always put first.
This section introduces the path that our company has followed from the year 1920, when it was established, until recently.
This section introduces our quality policy of ensuring that products that can be used with confidence are delivered to our customers.
Information about our bases
This section presents information about locations such as the head office, business offices, plants, research laboratories, as well as various bases including the domestic and overseas affiliated group companies.